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Interview Notes

Components to know about

Concepts to know

Data Structures to Know

  • Trie - Search Autocomplete
  • Quadtree - Location Based Indexing
  • R-Tree - Location Based Indexing, sercing multi-dimension shapes, asuch as nearest neighbor lookups
  • Geohash - Location Based Indexing
  • Skiplist - in memory index type
  • Hash Index - in-memory index type - common implementation of the "Map" datastructure
  • SSTable - disk based "Map" datastructure
  • LSM Tree - skiplist (memory) + sstable (disk) combination to provide high write throughput
  • B-Tree - disk based index with consistent read/write performance - most popular index used in databases
  • Inverted Index - used for document indexing in search
  • Suffix Tree - used for string pattern search, such as string suffix match

Algorithms to Know

Key Topics

System Requirements Analysis

  • Understand the functional and non-functional requirements of the system.
  • Discuss use cases, user expectations, and system constraints.

System Architecture

  • Design a high-level architecture that addresses the system's requirements.
  • Discuss components, their responsibilities, and interactions.
  • Consider microservices, service-oriented architecture (SOA), or serverless architecture based on the requirements.


  • Discuss horizontal and vertical scaling strategies.
  • Consider sharding, partitioning, and replication techniques.
  • Discuss load balancing and auto-scaling mechanisms.

Availability and Fault Tolerance

  • Discuss redundancy, failover, and disaster recovery strategies.
  • Consider techniques such as replication, data mirroring, and distributed consensus algorithms.
  • Discuss how to handle network partitions and node failures.

Consistency and Concurrency

  • Discuss consistency models (e.g., eventual consistency, strong consistency) based on application requirements.
  • Consider distributed locking, consensus algorithms (e.g., Paxos, Raft), and coordination services (e.g., ZooKeeper, etcd).
  • Discuss isolation levels and transaction management.

Data Storage and Retrieval

  • Discuss database selection based on requirements (e.g., relational databases, NoSQL databases, distributed key-value stores).
  • Consider data partitioning, indexing, and caching strategies.
  • Discuss data replication, consistency, and durability guarantees.

Messaging and Communication

  • Discuss message queuing, publish-subscribe patterns, and event-driven architectures.
  • Consider message brokers (e.g., Kafka, RabbitMQ) and communication protocols (e.g., HTTP, gRPC).


  • Discuss authentication, authorization, encryption, and data privacy requirements.
  • Consider network security, access control mechanisms, and secure communication protocols.

Monitoring and Management

  • Discuss logging, monitoring, and alerting requirements.
  • Consider metrics collection, distributed tracing, and centralized logging solutions.
  • Discuss deployment strategies and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.

Cost Optimization

  • Discuss resource utilization, cost-effective scaling strategies, and resource provisioning.
  • Consider serverless computing, containerization, and cloud services pricing models.

Writing Service Interfaces

Write the outline of the service interface to easily describe the service behavior to the interviewer, by including:

  1. message data structures - describes the request and response messages that a service uses to communicate over a netwrk
  2. method signature - contains a methods name, return type, and parameter list
    int64 user_id
    int64 timestamp
    string course_name

    int64 userid
    repeated string lessons
    int64 timestamp

# CourseService has a method getCourse which accepts a request message GetCourseRequest and returns the response message GetCourseResponse

# It accepts a single argument, the request, and returns a single object, the response

    GetCourseResponse getCourse (GetCourseRequest request)

Reminder: the message data structure is different from the data model - e.g. song_names could be stored as rows that are aggregated into a sequential datastructure like an array in the course response.

A system would have multiple services, and each service would have multiple methods. Making them descriptive makes the interview self-explanatory and self-documenting.