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Here we are interested in identifying a single element in terms of its rank relative to the sorted order of the entire set. Examples are: minimum, and maximum elements, median element etc.

In general, queries that ask for an element with a given rank are called order statistics.

General Selection Problem

The general order-statistc problem of selecting the kth smallest element from an unsorted collection of n comparable elements is the selection problem. This can be solved by sorting the collection and then indexing into the sorted sequence at k-1 but this would take O(nlogn).

However O(n) running time can be achieved (worst case k=n) including the interesting case of finding the median where k=floor(n/2).

To get O(n) running time for any value fo k we use a design pattern known as prune and search where on a collection of n objects we prune away a fraction of the n objects and recursively solve the smaller problem. When we have finally reduced the probnlem to one defined on a constant-sized collection of objercts, we then solve the problem using some brute-force method.

Randomized Quick Select

Runs in O(n) expected time taken over all possible random choices made by the algorithm. Worst case is O(n^2).

Suppose we are given an unordered sequence S of n comparable elements together with an integer k we find the kth smallest element by:

  • picking a pivot element from S at random
  • subdividing S into three subsequences L, E, and G, storing the elements of S less than, equal to, and great than the pivot respectively
  • determine hich of these subsets contain the desired element based on the value of k and sizes of the subsets
  • recure on the appropriate subset, noting that the desired elements rank in the subset may differ from its rank in the full set.
def quick_select(S, k):
    """Return the kth smallest element of list S< for k from 1 to len(S)"""

    if len(S) == 1:
        return S[0]

    pivot = random.choice(S)
    L = [x for x in S if x < pivot]
    E = [x for x in S if x == pivot]
    G = [x for x in S if x > pivot]

    if k <= len(L):
        return quick_select(L, k) # kth smallest lies in L
    elif k <= len(L) + len(E):
        return pivot # kth smallest is equal to pivot
        j = k - len(L) - len(E) # new selection parameter
        return quick_select(G, j) # kth smallest is jth in G